“If you still need more assistance,click here to raise a ticket”

All Walk-in centers are open. You may submit your applications at Surrey, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton and Regina centers.

To Book an appointment, Kindly click here for book an appointment.

Application Submission time for all BLS centers in Canada is 8:00AM to 1:00PM (Monday to Saturday)

If application is being submitted on Appointment basis, please produce proof of Appointment Confirmation along with Current Original Passport. Current Passport number needs to match with the one mentioned on Appointment Confirmation document.

Please select the appropriate appointment type (passport, visa, OCI, or attestation; PCC/Surrender fall under the Passport category) and location while booking the appointment. PCC and Surrender comes under Passport category while booking the appointment.

Please note:The next appointment can only be made after seven days of the first one.


You are required to come not more than 5 minutes before your appointment time, and you need to carry the 'Print Out' of your 'Appointment Confirmation' to show to the BLS Security at the door to access entry

P.s. There would be additional appointment slots opened during the Day/ Week depending on Demand & Capacity, so you may keep track of the same on BLS Appointment Page

For general inquiry: Monday to Friday between 3PM to 4.30PM

India Visa Application Center in Canada
(Vancouver Jurisdiction)
For Information


BLS International Canada Services Inc. is a trustworthy partner of the High Commission of India in Ottawa and the Consulate General(s) of India in Toronto and Vancouver (Canada) for managing the administrative and non-judgmental tasks of processing visa, passport, PIO, OCI and consular applications.

Applicants are solely responsible for the application(s) they submit. Any false or misrepresentation of facts, incomplete or invalid supporting documents will have a direct bearing on the decision carried out by the High Commission/Consulates General of India. Applicants are required to submit their applications as per Consular jurisdiction.